Wednesday 27 July 2016

Higgs Boson Magnetism (142)

The connection between humidity and clouds has become very interesting to form these last ones, and my interest in the formation of clouds has good reasons to write this post because Higgs boson magnetism is doing a great job to make planet earth having a larger cover of clouds; this cover of clouds will achieve 100% of surrounding to planet earth and this means a total prevention of this last from sun light.

There is no doubt that humidity has increased by 100% around the world and this is because of many causes as we already know; the main cause of this increase in humidity is Higgs boson magnetic particles waves pulling to the water molecule from land. It is also known that the quantity of clouds has increased by up to 100%, otherwise there will be no such impressive floods around the world. What I wanted to say from the two statements above is that humidity has become an important player in feeding clouds to become hugely thick.

The air becomes muggy and sticky because of the higher level of water inside it and this higher level of water inside the air is made by the higher level of heat; but what we should understand is that both humidity and heat are in constant increase because of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves pulling to particles into the atmosphere; and their higher level results to higher clouds condensation.

Humidity is a good source to clouds to condensate and because its supported by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves it’s level has already achieved the obligation of deep analysis and studies otherwise environmentalists and ecologists are becoming more ignorant about whats happening on planet earth. I think that the image of humidity, clouds and their connection is an indisputable proof to Higgs boson experiment and it’s results.

My conclusion to this post should be short; and I have to remind you that I am Higgs boson discoverer and my experiment on it has achieved it’s targets.  

Monday 25 July 2016

Higgs Boson Magnetism (141)

In this post I am willing to write about Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on planet earth; as we already know that Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves are reversal, and this means that planet earth receives Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves from the 1st universe then these last make a (U) turn, and each second passes they become bigger, stronger and powerful. Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves have a huge impact on decaying planet earth particles and this decay could be seen in many scenes. I am interested to show you five scenes of Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on planet earth in the paragraphs below to complete this post's subject.

The first scene which is showing Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on planet earth is to make life impossible to all living organisms; Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves are sonors and their sound is destructive; they are capable of decaying an atom and decaying a mountain as well because of their powerful vibrations. Simply living organisms can’t support constant vibrations of their organs and this is whats making them facing death.

The second scene which is showing Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on planet earth is splitted trees’ trunks; Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves results are already obvious on the splitted trees’ trunks; their vibrations makes trees’ cells separated from each other and thats why we are seeing trees’ trunks splitted. I think that this phenomenon of splitted trees’ trunks will be so apparent to everybody soon and humanity will see shortness in fruits production.

The third scene which is showing Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on planet earth is seen on fish immigration; the bottom of the sea is very responsive to Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves and this is what makes fish hearing them; and because fish got disturbed by Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves sonors it has just to move to other areas more safe and less noisy; fish immigration has been proved lately by many scientists and this whats proving the existence of Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves. I think that fish immigration will be one of the most challenging phenomena to fisherman.

The fourth scene which is showing Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on planet earth is penis infections; Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves are vibrational and their impact on men penis health is very serious; men are already suffering from improper ejaculation and this could be proved through hospitals statistics; where men complain about the health of their penis and these complains has increased dramatically. I think that the world is seeing a sharp decrease in the level of birth.

The last scene which is showing Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on planet earth is to create larger water molecule; the process of creating larger molecule is made by Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves through electron covalent bonding; and because Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves can knock out electrons from the oxygen atom to link it to another one; this makes the water molecule doubled to create (2HO4) and this last could be also doubled to create (4HO8).

To end this post rest to me to tell you that Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on planet earth is unlimited and with luck I will come back in future posts with some of them.


Saturday 23 July 2016

Higgs Boson Magnetism (140)

This post has to come to show Higgs boson magnetic particles waves influence on planet earth; and this influence could be seen in many scenes. I would like to write about five scenes explaining Higgs boson magnetic particles waves influence on planet earth.

The first scene explaining Higgs boson magnetic particles waves influence on planet earth is thunderstorms; as we already know that thunderstorms are creating so many issues to humanity and this is because of their increase in strength, in heavy rain, in lightning, in winds and creating floods. Higgs boson magnetic particles waves are creators of new kind of thunderstorms of the new era of life because of their pulling to the water molecule through the formation of depressions. I think that thunderstorms are a good proof to the existence of Higgs boson magnetism.

The second scene explaining Higgs boson magnetic particles waves influence on planet earth is very high clouds; clouds are becoming very high because they are integrated inside Higgs boson magnetic particles waves; these last are pullers to the water molecule in the sky and making it travelling thousands of miles high. Simply very high clouds are a good image to Higgs boson magnetism.

The third scene explaining Higgs boson magnetic particles waves influence on planet earth is very high level of humidity; I am sure that many countries are assisting very high humidity as they never did and this is because of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves pulling to the water molecule from land and making it flying in the atmosphere. Higgs boson magnetic particles waves can extract the water molecule and separating from many composed chemicals, and they can also making it evaporating very fast and in huge quantity.

The fourth scene explaining Higgs boson magnetic particles waves influence on planet earth is mountains collapsing; Higgs boson magnetic particles waves are pulling soil particles into the atmosphere and this is whats making mountains soil weaker and weaker and easy to collapse. I think that there are many examples of mountain collapses around the world.

The last scene explaining Higgs boson magnetic particles waves influence on planet earth is methane dispersion in the atmosphere; Higgs boson magnetism particles waves are decaying soil particles to create empty spaces within it; and these empty spaces are allowing methane to escape from the bottom of earth and spread into the atmosphere.

My conclusion to this post is to remind you that the cited scenes above are just few ones of many, and I promise you to bring you more of them in the future.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Higgs Boson Magnetism (139)

Again one important influence of Higgs boson magnetism on planet earth should be explained within this post; this influence is seen in the formation of thunderstorms. The world is assisting unprecedented thunderstorms in their strength, their power of lightning, their heavy rain and their destruction in general. Maybe someone asks why thunderstorms occurrence is in high intensity? To answer to this question we have to look at Higgs boson magnetism changes to many phenomena to provoke these kind of thunderstorms.

The first change in thunderstorms due to Higgs boson magnetism is seen in water vaporization; before 2012 water vaporization wasn’t so high as it is now and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism pulling to the water molecule into the atmosphere; the water molecule find itself flying easily because its supported by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves. I think that thunderstorms are supported by higher quantity of water in the atmosphere to become very strong.

The second change in thunderstorms due to Higgs boson magnetism is seen in clouds condensation; the actual clouds condensation is very different than the clouds condensation before 2012 and this is due to Higgs boson magnetic particles waves pulling to clouds vertically; and the amount of clouds is becoming very huge to occupy larger space in the sky and this is what makes thunderstorms bringing very heavy rain. The graph below has a meaning to the cited statement above.

The third change in thunderstorms due to Higgs boson magnetism is seen in the lightning intensity; lightning of 2016 are not the same lightning before 2012 and this is because of the difference in the size of the met cold air area and the hot one; both areas are becoming huge because they are pulled by Higgs boson magnetism. A good example of lightning covering big area was seen lately in the occurred lightning in whole Europe.

The fourth change in thunderstorms due to Higgs boson magnetism is seen in the visit of heat waves further to the North part of planet earth; heat waves are pulled by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves further north to meet cold air and create huge thunderstorms.

The fifth change in thunderstorms due to Higgs boson magnetism is seen in the quantity of rain; thunderstorms are becoming huge quantity of rain holders and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism pulling to clouds to form them. We are seeing many records of heavy rain in short time are registered around the world.

The last change in thunderstorms due to Higgs boson magnetism is seen inside the result of thunderstorms; this result is floods. Who can ignore that the world is assisting unprecedented floods?   

Monday 18 July 2016

Higgs Boson Magnetism (138)

My intention to write this post is to talk about the change in the global weather system; this change is made by Higgs boson magnetism pulling to hot air further north and cold air further south. I am sure that by talking about five effects of the change of air temperature around the world the subject of this post will be completed.

The first effect of air temperature in the same area is the provocation of cracks in matter; cracks are occurring in many lands and in many walls and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism pulling to hot air then to cold air passing on the same area in short period of time; this process is making matter hot then cold then hot then cold and this is whats making it splitting.

The second effect of air temperature in the same area is the provocation of death in some living organisms; the raise of temperature and it’s diminishing makes living organisms unstable in their blood pressure and this is what provokes sudden death due to heart stroke, and this case could be seen in birds death, cats death and reptiles death.

The third effect of air temperature in the same area is the mixing of seasons; seasons are already mixed and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism mixing to air flux around the world. Images of mixed seasons are numerous and they could be seen in trees’ leaves, in birds’ travellers and on ice sheets.

The fourth effect of air temperature in the same area is the creation of depressions; the temperature of air has a huge influence on creating depressions and these last can change a whole mini-weather system such as the level of humidity, the level of heat, the rain intensity, the level of water vaporization and the winds strength. I think that actually the world is assisting the appearance of depressions in unusual places around the world such as high depressions in North America and low depressions in Central Africa.

The last effect of air temperature in the same area is the provocation of avalanches and ice melting in the North Pole; hot air visits to the top of high mountains and to the North Pole is becoming more frequent and this is what causing avalanches to occur more often and also it’s visit to the North Pole is so obvious to melt it’s ice. I think that the news of avalanches are becoming frequent and image of ice melting in North pole are seen in higher number.

To end this post I have to remind you about the mixing seasons because of the mixing of hot air and cold air; and don’t be surprised when you will see temperature rising to (36) Celsius in Canada and reaching  (-5) Celsius in South Algeria and this is because of Higgs boson experiment.         

Higgs Boson Insurrection (36)

The insurrection which I want to talk about in this post is made by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves; the destruction of all size of energies on planet earth is happening and its making it decomposing. I would like to write about five kind of destruction to energies on planet earth by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves.

The first kind of destruction to energies by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves is hidden inside the death of fish in mass; many kind of fish is dying in huge quantities and this is because of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves decaying to the bottom of the seas' particles to make many poisoning gazes escaping from under it and such gazes are: Methane, Propane and some of hydrocarbures. Its by the inspiration of these gazes by fish the death of this last becomes imminent.

The second kind of destruction to energies by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves is hidden inside the disappearance of many lands; many lands on planet earth are disappearing because of the intensity of many natural phenomena and this intensity is caused by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves and such phenomena are: landslides, sinkholes, sea rising, higher rivers’ level and higher volcanoes eruption. Higgs boson magnetic particles waves’ pulling to soil particles to the atmosphere is causing huge land disappearance, and the earth is loosing many kind of soil chemicals to the atmosphere and such chemicals are: sulphur, water and salt.

The third kind of destruction to energies by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves is hidden inside mica sheets cracking; mica is very close to glass and it’s interaction with Higgs boson magnetic particles waves makes huge cracks occurrence inside it; these cracks lead to break into smaller sizes then smaller then smaller. Mica can also loose it’s chemical formation to participate in the building of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves and this is by the decay of it’s atom to subatomic particles.

The fourth kind of destruction to energies by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves is hidden inside the death of rats; rats have no place where to live inside Higgs boson magnetic field because of their easy DNA reversing and also because of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves decaying to their hearing sense. I think that the image of death rats should be taken seriously as a proof to the existence to Higgs boson magnetism.  

The last kind of destruction to energies by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves is hidden inside the vanishing of some kind of grasses; Higgs boson magnetic particles waves are able to pull and decay some kind of grasses’ particles to make them unable to survive by preventing them to grow and examples of these grasses are so many and such grasses are: climbing plants, perennial plants and a kind of sage. I think that the world had already noticed my above statement.

Finally; Higgs boson magnetic particles waves are destroying big energies to make them in their lower state and this process will be at work until when all our universe will be at it’s smallest energy form.

Friday 15 July 2016

Higgs Boson Magnetism (137)

Higgs boson magnetism pulling to sulphur atom from the bottom of earth is one of the most challenging phenomenon to humanity and all living organisms, so whats understood is that sulphur is decomposing from it’s solid state to integrate inside planet earth atmosphere and this is through new volcanoes’ eruption.

The sulphur atom is the second in place to impose itself during the third stage of the new era of life after the water molecule because sulphur atom is one of the easiest atoms of manipulation by Higgs boson magnetism; it’s condensation could be spread easily in larger areas and it can travel very high in the sky.

Sulphur decomposition from it’s solid state to smaller energies is a big proof of the existence of Higgs boson magnetism; and these smaller energies of sulphur will be seen in many scenes on planet earth and such scenes are: the bloody color of the sky during sunset, the more yellowish color of the sky during sunrise, red rain, red sand storms, and red volcanoes’ ash; I think that these scenes are just few ones from many others.

It is also known that sulphur was the first chemical to condensate during my experiment on Higgs boson inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) in a closed system, and because of my experiment on Higgs boson inside an open Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) sulphur will be the first chemical to decompose.

My intention to write about Higgs boson magnetism connection to sulphur is to raise awareness about the level of sulphur in the atmosphere which is at increase day after day, and it’s consequences are very serious on water contamination, on air pollution, on human beings health, on animals, and on all the rest of living organisms.

Concluding this post by a short sentence is important; the world has to listen to my words to avoid huge catastrophic events such as sulphur mania.

Higgs Boson Magnetism (136)

Higgs boson magnetic particles waves are causing monthly floods around the world and this is because of their power of pulling to the water molecule in the atmosphere, and I think that these floods are just the beginning of the third stage of the new era of life; this era is known as the era of water, and by the way I have a question to meteorologist to answer and which is; why these floods are occurring around the world?

Here it is my answer to the question above; floods are caused by many facts but the main fact is Higgs boson magnetic particles waves; these last are becoming self feeders because Higgs boson magnetism has achieved it’s higher point of speed and this means it doesn't need any further submitted quarks. Higgs boson magnetic particles waves’ power is at constant increase and this means further water molecule in the atmosphere and further. Further existence of water in the atmosphere means higher quantity of condensation of clouds in the sky and this means higher heavy rain and more floods.

It is also known that Higgs boson magnetic particles waves are accumulators and this means that their accumulation to the water molecule in the atmosphere is at constant increase, and the water vaporization is at constant increase with the water extraction as well, and this is what makes floods at constant increase in quantity and number.

My imagination of the increase of floods in quantity is very impressive because what we are seeing now as floods in millimeters is just 5% of the graphical function of the heavy rain and this means that the total of precipitation in Tokyo of this year will increase by 95% within the next few years.

Don’t be surprised by the number of the total of precipitation but be surprised by the what is causing them; never mind these causes are: heat increase on planet earth, high humidity, high level of vaporization, increase of water extraction, high temperature of planet earth, light atmosphere of planet earth, high level of clouds condensation, the increase of inflation and planet earth orbit widening.

Friday 8 July 2016

Higgs Boson Magnetism (135)

Again I would like to talk about Higgs boson magnetic particles waves soustraction to big energies such as atoms and molecules; whats interesting to know is that accumulation of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves makes them strong and powerful to substitute higher energies. I am interested to show five of this kind of soustraction.

The first example of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves soustraction is shown inside heat waves; there is no doubt that the existing energies inside heat are soustrated from an area to another; for example the existing energies inside heat in the Big Sahara are substituted from this area and they are transformed to East Europe, and the proof of this soustraction is the rising temperature in Moscow.

The second example of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves soustraction is shown inside the water vaporization; planet earth is assisting water vaporization as it has never done and this is because of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves soustraction to the water molecule from surfaces of water such as seas, oceans, lakes, rivers, and ice. The water vaporization is facilitated by two facts; the first is Higgs boson magnetic particles waves and the second is the increase of heat on planet earth.

The third example of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves soustraction is shown inside trees’ epidemics; some kind of trees are invaded by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves soustraction and this is through the substitution of some of their chemicals inside their cells , and such chemicals are: carbon, oxygen and hydrogen; and it is because of the decay of these atoms trees can’t resist to survive longer. I think that California forests are good images of this scene.

The fourth example of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves soustraction is shown inside the bottom of the sea; sheets of the bottom of the are diminishing and this is through their decaying by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves soustraction. The process is simple; each decayed particle is going to deeper area in the bottom of the sea and this last is becoming deeper and deeper.

The last example of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves soustraction is shown inside landslides; landslides occurrence becomes daily around the world and this is because of Higgs boson magnetic particles waves soustraction to many kind of soils’ particles, planet earth soil is becoming weaker and weaker.   

Higgs Boson Magnetism (134)

The building up of Higgs boson magnetism is currently at increase and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism particles waves’ accumulation; and one of the signs of this accumulation is clouds. In this post I am joining the Media to talk about the latest news concerning Chinese floods. 

I think its important to know whats causing Chinese floods and not only describing these floods and their consequences on social life and the economy. I had many occasions to talk about the rising water in China but in this post I would like to talk about it’s causes.

The first cause which is making the water rising in China is the new direction of clouds; as we already know that clouds are directed by a new phenomenon which is Higgs boson magnetism pulling to the water molecule in the atmosphere to make a new line of clouds from South to North East. Satellite images are showing that this new line of clouds is starting at the Indian Ocean passing through China to achieve North East Russia.

The second cause which is making the water rising in China is heavy rain; heavy rain is not only a result of clouds condensation on China but it is also a result of the change in time particles which are making all known particles bigger and this is whats making the water molecule bigger to rise water quickly.

The third cause which is making the water rising in China is wind direction; wind direction is managing clouds direction to accumulate on China; simply the world is assisting new winds directions because of Higgs boson experiment.

The fourth cause which is making the water rising in China is quarks submission; as we already know that quarks submission can make the water molecule rotating in the atmosphere and this is what makes it spreading vertically; and because depressions in the North Pacific are huge and strong they can pull clouds from the Indian Ocean towards china.

The last cause which is making the water rising in China is Higgs boson magnetism as a whole system; there are many elements of Higgs boson magnetism which are making water rising in China and these elements are: Higgs boson magnetic particles waves, Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves, Higgs boson magnetic rotations, Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown and Higgs boson magnetism oscillations, these elements will make China disappearing under water.

To conclude this post I would like to remind you that China is not the only country which will be under water but there are also so many countries such as Australia, USA, Canada, Scandinavian countries and the UK.