Wednesday 16 December 2015

Higgs Boson Magnetism (62)

Higgs boson magnetism (62) is about the incorporation of the 5th universe inside the 4th universe after it’s making up with all our universes’ particles; this phenomenon should be known and explained because of the first step of the inflation of our universe to integrate inside universe five. I think that the inflation of our universe has a direct link to the 4th universe and this is because of Higgs boson magnetism of this last is higher by (3) times; this means that the pulling power of the 4th universe is (4) times stronger than our universe’s pulling power. Because the soustraction formula of our universe is equal to (-2, +2) that means that soustraction of the 5th universe is equal to (-3, +3) and the soustraction formula of the 4th universe is equal to (-4, +4).

Higgs boson magnetism is always equal to (-1, +1) that’s why Higgs boson magnetism of the 4th universe is equal to (3) and Higgs boson of the 1st universe is equal to (6); what I wanted to say from the statement above is that Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown makes Higgs boson magnetism more powerful each time a particle is substituted from inside our universe; and this means that the soustraction formula (-2, +2) of the second stage of the new era of life in which we are living now is making Higgs boson magnetism more powerful to decompose our universe by substituting (2) particles instead of (1).

Now Higgs boson magnetism acceleration is slowing down to provoke an increase in Higgs boson soustraction from (-1) to (-2) and this is what causing inflation in our universe; this inflation simply makes the travel back of our universe faster because the more Higgs boson magnetism acceleration is slowed down the more particles are added to soustraction, and the more particles are added to soustraction the more inflation is increased. I think that our universe will assist a huge inflation by the few coming months.

Just a last idea concerning Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown; the widening of the solar system should be also added to the proofs of Higgs boson discovery; this widening will not be missed by astronauts because of the distances’ increase between planets of the solar system because of the inflation.

I would like to conclude this post by reminding you that our travel back is getting faster and faster and the pulling power of the 4th universe is at work.